Minister, Agriculture and Cooperation, G. Kaito Aye Tuesday launched the first ever ‘NagaFarmDoctor’ mobile app for android phones at the Directorate of Agriculture, Kohima during a felicitation programme in his honour.
The app has two features – one is the interactive part where the farmers can submit their queries and the other where they can view queries about the diseases and infestation of the plants. They can also identify their problems through the app. The app has a chain communication feature like whatsapp and is farmer friendly.
Kaito encouraged the department officials to visit villages to gear them up in order to reach the remote levels of the State. He requested the Director and his officials to be consultative and to show more support to the grass root level and bring out activities so that it would benefit the community as a whole.
Kaito mentioned that the schemes and programmes set forth by the department should be properly implemented. Compact farming should be encouraged especially for farmers with small lands so that this would develop not only the individual farmers but also the state as a whole, he said adding cold storage in certain areas where production is high should be constructed in order to bring the ‘buy back policy.’ The main target of the department should be to rescue the farmers in order to boost the economy of the state, he added.
Director, Agriculture, G. Ikuto Zhimomi highlighted the ongoing departmental projects, funding patterns, state schemes etc.