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           Integrated Pest Management program is successfully implemented in the state. It has been instrumental in creating awareness among the farming community on the harmful effects of chemical pesticides residues and indiscriminate use of pesticides in the farmer’s field. The conservation of flora and fauna is prioritized during the training emphasizing identification of farmer friendly insects.

Achievements during 2016-17 under IPM (RKVY)

1. Organized training and demonstration in 60 Farmers Field School (FFS) on paddy, cereals and vegetables.

2. Surveillance and Monitoring survey of pest situation was undertaken in all the 11 districts and 19 sub – divisions.

3. 1 No. of farmer’s exposure tour outside the State was also conducted in the programme.

4. Input support such as knapsack sprayers, rodenticides and plant protection chemicals were also distributed to the farmers.

5. Release of 20000 Tricho card to the farmers

6. One Refresher course conducted for field functionaries

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